1a: step sequencer, 1b: sequencer reset, 1c: value ams input – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual
Page 176: 1d: step parameters, 5–1a: step sequencer, 5–1b: sequencer reset, 5–1c: value ams input, 5–1d: step parameters, Command buttons

Program mode: EXi
For example, to play an ascending chromatic scale, set
the step values to 0, +4, +8, +12, +16, and so on. One
octave up is +48, and two octaves up is +96.
5–1a: Step Sequencer
[Loop, One Shot]
Loop makes the Step Sequence loop continuously
between the Start Step and the End Step.
One Shot makes the Step Sequence play once from the
Start Step to the End Step, and then hold at the End
Step. You can still reset the Step Sequencer from AMS
to make it play again.
Start Step
This sets the step on which the sequence will start. The
Start Step is important for the Mode parameter, above.
You can also modulate it via AMS.
[AMS Sources]
This selects an AMS source to modulate the Start Step.
For a list of AMS sources, see “AMS (Alternate
Modulation Source) List” on page 967.
This controls the depth and direction of the Start Step
End Step
This sets the last step in the sequence. Once the
sequence reaches the End Step, it will either hold there
until the note goes away (if Mode is set to One Shot),
or loop back to the Start Step (if Mode is set to Loop).
This control smooths the Step Sequencer’s output
signal, creating more gentle transitions between
values. Higher values mean more smoothing.
5–1b: Sequencer Reset
[AMS Sources]
This selects an AMS source to reset the sequence to the
Start Step.
To create an effect similar to the per-voice Step
Sequencer’s Key Sync Off setting, set this to Gate 1+
This sets the AMS level which will make the Step
Sequencer reset. Among other things, you can use this
to adjust the exact point in an LFO’s phase at which the
sequencer will be reset, effectively controlling its
“groove” against other rhythmic effects.
When the threshold is positive, the Step Sequencer
triggers when passing through the threshold moving
upwards. When the threshold is negative, the Step
Sequencer triggers when passing through the
threshold moving downwards.
Note: with some LFO shapes, and with faster LFO
speeds, the LFO may not always reach the extreme
values of +99 or -99. In this case, setting the Threshold
to these values may cause inconsistent behavior, or
may mean that the Step Sequencer doesn’t reset at all.
If this happens, reduce the Threshold until the Step
Sequencer triggers consistently.
5–1c: Value AMS Input
[AMS Sources]
This is the AMS source used for steps set to AMS
Input or AMS Input S/H.
5–1d: Step Parameters
Each of the 32 steps has its own settings for Value and
Value 1-32
[-100…+100, Random,
AMS Input, AMS Input S/H]
-100 through +100 generate specific levels, just as
you’d expect.
Random yields a different, random value every time
the step is played.
AMS Input uses the signal from the Value AMS Input
source, above. This can change continuously over the
duration of the step. For instance, if you used an LFO
as the Value AMS Input, you’d hear the LFO move
over the duration of the step.
AMS Input S/H grabs the level of the Value AMS
Input source at the start of the step, and then maintains
that single value for the duration of the step.
Duration (Base Note) 1-32
… ]
This sets the basic length of the step, relative to the
system tempo. The values range from a 32nd note to a
whole note, including triplets.
x (Multiply Base Note by…) 1-32
This multiplies the length of the Base Note. For
instance, if the Base Note is set to a sixteenth note, and
Times is set to 3, the step’s duration will be a dotted
eighth note.
Command buttons
Selects the step that you want to edit.
Inserts the cut or copied step at the current step.
Cuts the current step. Subsequent steps will be moved
forward. If desired, you can then paste or insert the cut
step into another location.
Copies the current step. You can then paste or insert
the copied step into another location.
Pastes the cut or copied step onto the current step,
replacing it.