Sequencer mode – KORG Electronic Keyboard User Manual
Page 756

Effect Guide
Gch: Select this option if you wish to control the
parameters on the global MIDI channel. This is a
common setting.
All Routed: Select this option to control the parameters
on all the channels (channels 1–16 that have a “*”
mark) that are routed to the corresponding Insert
If you’ve checked “Bus Select DKit” (8–1c) for a
timbre for which a drum program is selected, the
MIDI channel of that timbre will be valid if any
IFX1–12 is set to All Routed, regardless of the drum
kit’s Bus Select settings and the settings of the
Drum Kit IFX Patch page menu command.
Sequencer mode
Use “Ch” parameters of the “P8-IFX1–12” pages to set
up the control channels for IFX1–12. Select an
appropriate option from Ch01–16 and All Routed.
Ch01–16: Select this when you want to control each
insert effect from a different channel. An “*” symbol
will be displayed at the right of the MIDI channel
Ch01–16 of the track that is routed to each insert effect.
If two or more tracks with differing MIDI channels
Ch01–16 are being sent to a single insert effect, this
parameter is used to specify the one track that will
control the insert effect.
All Routed: Select this option to control the parameters
on all the channels (channels 1–16 that have a “*”
mark) that are routed to the corresponding Insert
Effects. “All Routed” is a typical option. If you wish to
control the parameters on a single channel, you may
select it from Ch01–16.
If you’ve checked “Bus Select DKit” for a track for
which a drum program is selected, the MIDI
channel of that track will be valid if any IFX1–12 is
set to All Routed, regardless of the drum kit’s Bus
Select settings and the settings of the Drum Kit IFX
Patch page menu command.
Note: Since Sequencer mode lets you record and play
exclusive messages and edit tracks that include System
Exclusive events, you can use them to switch effects or
modify effect parameter values during song playback.