Physical features, Communication port, Screw terminals – Wavetronix Click 400 (900 MHz radio) (CLK-400) - User Guide User Manual

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Physical Features

The Click 100 has eight primary and eight secondary contact outputs, which all share a logic

ground (see Figure 6.2).

Figure 6.2 – Diagram of Click 100

Communication Port

The back of the Click 100 features a 5-position connector that plugs into a T-bus connector

and provides power and RS-485 communication to the device. It also passes RS-485 com-

munication from the Click 100 to all other devices on the T-bus when pressing the Mode

button during configuration (see the On-device Configuration section of this chapter for

more information).

Screw Terminals

The contact closure outputs are wired to a controller, data logger or BIU (Bus Interface

Unit) using the pluggable screw terminals on the top and bottom of the Click 100. The top

screw terminals are labeled 1–8 and represent the primary outputs. Primary 1 (P1) repre-

sents the lane closest to a side-fire SmartSensor and the remaining outputs represent the

lanes as they sequentially get further from the sensor. For dual-loop emulation, the contact

closure outputs must be wired with the primary always leading the secondary (see Figure


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