Computer configuration – Wavetronix Click 400 (900 MHz radio) (CLK-400) - User Guide User Manual

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CHAPTER 28 • CLICK 400 233

flashing. The red LED should be solid and the green and yellow LEDs will flash. Wait for a

few seconds and the device will now have the original factory configuration.

Computer Configuration

The Click 400 can be configured more exactly using the Click Supervisor software. See

Chapters 4 and 5 of this document for instructions on how to download and install Click

Supervisor and how to connect to your device using the software.

The Click 400 can be configured using one of five drivers (see Figure 27.3).

Figure 27.3 – Selecting a Driver

Which driver you use will depend on what you need to use the device for. The first four

drivers are known as application drivers and are used to set the Click device to work in

specific applications. Use the list below to find the appropriate driver for your application:


Client – If you intend to connect multiple clients to a single server, use the Client driver.


Server – If you intend to connect a single radio to another single radio, use the Server



SmartSensor Client – If you intend to connect a wireless sensor station to a wireless

base station, use the SmartSensor Client driver.


SmartSensor Server – If you intend to connect a wireless base station to a wireless sen-

sor station, use the SmartSensor Server driver.

To see advanced settings, use the Expert driver. This driver, which exposes every available

field for the Click 400, should only be used under the direction of Wavetronix Technical


After you have made configuration changes on a driver and saved it to the Click device, the

word “current” will appear after that driver to indicate the driver that is currently loaded

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