Application drivers – Wavetronix Click 400 (900 MHz radio) (CLK-400) - User Guide User Manual

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applications. Use the list below to find the appropriate driver for your application.


If you intend to connect from your TOC to the Click 301 to a sensor, use the SmartSen-

sor driver.


If you intend to connect from your TOC to a Click 301 to another Click 301 to the sen-

sor, use the Point to Point driver.

To see advanced settings, use the Expert driver. This driver, which exposes every available

field for the Click 301, should only be used under the direction of Wavetronix Technical


After you have made configuration changes on a driver and saved it to the Click device, the

word “current” will appear after that driver to indicate the driver that is currently loaded

onto the device.


Some settings appear on multiple drivers. Changing one of those settings on any
driver and saving them to the Click device will change that setting on all other drivers
it appears on.

The Backups option can be used to read configurations that have previously been saved to

file. See Chapter 5 for more information.

Application Drivers

The two application drivers have very similar settings and fields; the only important differ-

ences are found in the Setup tab. Under the Setup tab, you can change the settings affecting

the setup of the device and sensor (see Figure 23.4 and Table 23.2).

Figure 23.4 – Setup Tab

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