Master/satellite (t/net) option – Gasboy TopKAT Operation Manual User Manual

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MDE-4338A TopKAT™ Fuel Management System Operation Manual · February 2009

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Master/Satellite (T/Net) Option

System Overview

Master/Satellite (T/Net) Option

The master/satellite option (also called the T/Net option), allows you to network up to 8
TopKAT units together to control a maximum of 16 hoses (electronic and mechanical
combination). If all your pumps are 9800 electronic pumps or you have mechanical PCUs, up
to 8 hoses may be controlled. One TopKAT functions as the master unit, the remaining units
function as satellites. A single database resides at the master consisting of system data, vehicle
file data, manual entry file data, transaction, pump, and tank data.

The master TopKAT provides the satellite with the vehicle and (if configured) the manual
entry records required to authorize a transaction. If your configuration is all 9800 electronics
or uses mechanical PCUs, the TopKAT master controls all pumps. If you are using a
combination of 9800 electronic and mechanical pumps, the master controls the electronic
pump (one PCU, single or twin pump) and the satellite controls its local mechanical pump(s)
and returns completed transaction data to the master upon completion of a sale. The master
TopKAT then updates its database with transaction information.

The TopKAT with the master/satellite option is set up and configured slightly differently from
a standalone TopKAT. The differences are as follows:

• Load Mode (refer to

“Setup Menu”


page 30


This new prompt is present in all TopKAT units. When your TopKAT is a standalone

unit, this prompt is set to standalone. When using the master/satellite option, the master

unit is designated as Master. This prompt must be set to Satellite at each satellite unit.

• Poll Address (refer to

“Setup Menu”


page 30


Functions the same as for standalone TopKAT units; however the master must be set as 01

and the satellites must be set as 01 through 07.

• Password (refer to

“Setup Menu”


page 30


Can be loaded at master and at satellites.

• Config Trans File (refer to

“Transaction File Setup - Keypad”


page 55


All functions available at master unit; only Clear Trans in Progress, available at satellite


• Satellites controlling mechanical pumps are recognized as individual Pump Control Units

(PCUs) and are configured at the TopKAT master, using the PCU SETUP keypad
sequence (refer to

“Tank, Pump, and PCU File Setup - Keypad”


page 47

) and/or the

CONFIGURE SYSTEM and CONFIGURE PCUS terminal commands (refer to

“Terminal Commands”


page 87


• Diagnostics are available at the keypad of both the master and satellite units; however, the

system must be stopped or the satellite must be offline. Enhanced diagnostics from the
terminal are effective only for the master unit.

• Certain options, such as PCMCIA backup and restore and report printing are available

only at the master unit.