Open or clear a clip in the source monitor – Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 User Manual
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User Guide
Source Monitor (left) and Program Monitor (right)
Set display quality
You can reduce the resolution of the Source or Program Monitors to decrease the processing demands on your
computer. Reducing the quality setting of the Program Monitor may allow your system to create real-time previews
of parts of the sequence that would otherwise require rendering.
In the Source or Program Monitor panel menu, choose a quality setting:
Highest Quality
Displays video in the monitor at full resolution.
Draft Quality
Displays video in the monitor at one-half resolution.
Automatic Quality
Measures playback performance and dynamically adjusts quality.
Note: All quality settings use a bilinear pixel resampling method to resize the video image. For exporting a sequence,
a cubic resampling method (which is superior to bilinear) is used.
Change magnification
The Source and Program Monitors scale video to fit into the available area. You can change the magnification
setting for each view to see the video in more detail, or to increase the size of the pasteboard area around the image
(to adjust motion effects more easily, for example).
Choose a magnification setting from the View Zoom Level menu (to the right of the current time display) in the
Source or Program Monitor.
In the Source Monitor, percentage values refer to the size of the source media. In the Program Monitor, percentage
values refer to the image size specified by the project settings. Fit scales the video to fit in the monitor’s available
viewing area.
To change the visible area of a monitor, use the monitor’s scroll bars to change the visible area of the video image.
Scroll bars appear when the current size of the monitor can’t contain the entire image.
Open or clear a clip in the Source Monitor
To view and edit source clips listed in the Project panel or individual clip instances in a sequence, open the clips in
the Source Monitor. The Source menu, accessed from the Source Monitor tab, lists open clips.
To open a clip, do any of the following:
Double-click the clip in the Project or Timeline panel, or drag a clip from the Project panel to the Source Monitor.
The clip appears in the Source Monitor and its name is added to the Source menu.
April 1, 2008