Linear wipe effect, Radial wipe effect (windows only), Venetian blinds effect (windows only) – Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 User Manual
Page 358

User Guide
You can create gradient layers in many ways, such as using the Ramp effect or creating them in Photoshop or Illus-
Transition Softness
The degree to which the transition is gradual for each pixel. If this value is 0%, pixels in the clip
to which the effect is applied are either completely opaque or completely transparent. If this value is greater than
0%, pixels are semitransparent at the intermediate stages of the transition.
Gradient Placement
How the gradient layer’s pixels are mapped to the pixels of the clip to which the effect is
Tile Gradient
Uses multiple tiled copies of the gradient layer.
Center Gradient
Uses a single instance of the gradient layer in the center of the clip.
Stretch Gradient To Fit
Resizes the gradient layer horizontally and vertically to fit the entire area of the clip.
Invert Gradient
Inverts the gradient layer’s influence; lighter pixels in the gradient layer create transparency at a
lower Transition Completion value than do darker pixels.
Linear Wipe effect
The Linear Wipe effect performs a simple linear wipe of a clip in a specified direction.
Wipe Angle
The direction that the wipe travels. For example, at 90° the wipe travels from left to right.
Original image (left), and with effect applied (center and right)
Radial Wipe effect (Windows only)
(High bit-depth) The Radial Wipe effect reveals an underlying clip using a wipe that circles around a specified point.
Start Angle
The angle at which the transition starts. With a start angle of 0°, the transition starts at the top.
Specifies whether the transition moves clockwise or counterclockwise, or alternates between the two.
Original image (left), and with effect applied (center and right)
Venetian Blinds effect (Windows only)
(High bit-depth) The Venetian Blinds effect reveals an underlying clip using strips of specified direction and width.
April 1, 2008