Adjust project settings and presets – Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 User Manual

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User Guide



Replaces a missing file with an offline file, a placeholder that preserves all references to the missing file

everywhere in the project. Unlike the temporary offline file created by Skip, the one generated by Offline persists
between sessions, so you won’t have to locate missing files every time the project is opened.

Offline All

Like Offline, Offline All replaces all missing files with persistent offline files.

Note: Do not delete source files while you are using them as clips in an Adobe Premiere Pro project unless they were
captured using device control and you plan to recapture them. After you deliver the final movie, you can delete source

Adjust project settings and presets

All project settings apply to the whole project, and most can’t be changed after a project is created.

Project settings presets are groups of project settings. Adobe Premiere Pro comes with several categories of project
settings presets installed: DV-24P, DV-NTSC (North American standard), DV-PAL (European standard),
Panasonic P2 DVCPRO50, Panasonic P2 DVCPROHD, HDV, and Mobile & Devices. These contain the correct
project settings for the most typical project types. The Panasonic P2 DVCPRO50 and Panasonic P2 DVCPROHD
categories of project settings presets are for editing DVCPRO material recorded to MXF files using a Panasonic P2
video camera. For DV25 material recorded in Panasonic P2 format, use a preset for DV-NTSC or DV-PAL,
depending on the television standard of the footage.

When creating a new project, you can either select from among the standard project settings presets or customize a
group of project settings and save the customized group as a custom project settings preset. If you want full control
over almost all the project’s parameters, you must start a new project and customize its project settings presets.

After you begin working in a project, you can review project settings, but you can change only a few of them. Choose
Project > Project Settings to view the settings you can change.

Project settings are organized into the following categories:


Controls the fundamental characteristics of the project, including the file format Adobe Premiere Pro uses

for its preview files and playback (Editing Mode), count time (Display Format), and play back video (Timebase).


Controls how Adobe Premiere Pro transfers video and audio directly from a deck or camera. (None of the

other project settings options affect capturing.) The contents of this panel depend on the editing mode. If you’re
capturing DV footage, you don’t need to change capture settings. When DV/IEEE 1394 Capture is the selected
capture format, no options are available because the options are automatically set to the IEEE 1394 standard.
Additional capture formats and options may appear if you install other software, such as software included with a
capture card certified to be compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro.

Note: For P2 DVCPRO 50 and P2 DVCPRO HD projects, the Capture Format setting is not relevant, because the assets
are captured and recorded directly to the P2 card as digital files by the camera.

Video Rendering

Sets the file format, compressor, color depth, and bit depth Adobe Premiere Pro uses for its

preview files and playback.

Default Sequence

Controls the number of video tracks and the number and type of audio tracks for new sequences

you create.

Note: If you must change project settings that are unavailable, you can create a new project with the settings you want
and import the current project into it. However, if you import the current project into a project with a different frame
rate or audio sampling rate, check video and audio edits carefully. Although edit positions made under the old settings
are preserved, they may not synchronize precisely with the new settings. Edits or changes you make after importing are
synchronized with the new settings.

April 1, 2008