Replace a color – Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 User Manual

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User Guide


If you need more control than the Color Match effect offers, use the Secondary Color Correction controls in the RGB
Corrector, RGB Curves, and Three-Way Color Corrector. These controls let you adjust a single color or a range of



In the Timeline panel, select the clip you want to adjust so it appears in the Program Monitor.


If you want to match the information in the displayed clip to another clip in your project, open that other clip in

the Source Monitor.


Apply the Color Match effect to the clip you want to adjust.


In the Effect Controls panel, click the triangle to expand the Color Match effect.


Choose a method for matching the clips from the Method menu:


Matches using the hue, saturation, and luminance values in the clips. You can select whether to apply the effect

to either a single component or any combination of the hue, saturation, or luminance components.


Matches using the values of the red, green, and blue channels in the clips. You can select whether to match only

one of the channels or any combination of the channels.


Matches using the curves (brightness and contrast) values in the clips. You can also select whether to match

only one of the channels or any combination of the channels.


Select a Sample eyedropper and click an area in either the Source Monitor or Program Monitor that represents

the color information or attribute that you want to match. You can use eyedroppers for shadows, midtones,
highlights, or all tonal ranges (Master).

Note: You can also click the color swatch next to an eyedropper tool and use the Adobe Color Picker to select a color.


Select the Target eyedropper with the same parameter as the Sample eyedropper. Click an area in the Program

Monitor that represents the color information or attribute that you want to correct. For example, if you’ve selected
a midtone sample area, click the Midtone Target eyedropper in the area in the target clip that you want to change.


Expand the Match category in the Color Match effect, and click the Match button. In the Program Monitor, the

target area changes to match the source area.


Repeat steps 6 through 8 to add other adjustments.

Replace a color

If you need more control than the Color Replace effect offers, use the Secondary Color Correction controls in the
RGB Corrector, RGB Curves, and Three-Way Color Corrector. These controls let you apply changes to a single color

or a range of colors.


In the Timeline panel, select the clip you want to adjust so it appears in the Program Monitor.


If you want to replace a color in the displayed clip with a color in another clip in your project, open that other

clip in the Source Monitor.


Apply the Color Replace effect to the clip you want to adjust.


In the Effect Controls panel, click the Setup icon

for the Color Replace effect.


In the Color Replace Settings dialog box, move the pointer over the Clip Sample image so it becomes an

eyedropper, and then click to choose the color to be replaced. You can also click the Target Color swatch and select
a color in the Adobe Color Picker.


Choose the replacement color by clicking the Replace Color swatch and selecting the color in the Adobe Color


April 1, 2008