I/o program editing group 10 -- commands p,q,r,s – INFICON STC-2002 Thin Film Deposition Controller Operating Manual User Manual

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p STC-2002




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I/O Program Editing

Group 10 --

Commands P,Q,R,S

(P) (Q) (R) (S) I/O Editing Commands. This set of commands will do the following editing functions in

the I/O program:
P - Delete A Rung
Q - Select The I/O Program (Primary Or Alternate)
R - Insert An Empty Rung
S - Store The I/O Program Into The Alternate Memory

Editing The I/O Program (P, Q, R, S)

The P command is used to delete an I/O rung, followed by a rung number value.

The Q command is used to select the I/O rung bank or query it. Follow the Q by a 1 or 2 to select

bank a or b (similar to swap only explicit). If the Q is followed by a 3, the STC-2002 returns a result
message of "An d crc" where n is an error number from the I/O error codes list below, d is a bank code,
either 'A' or 'B, and crc is the rung program checksum, 1 to 5 digits, 0 to 65535 in value. The error code
pertains to the last N/O command series which failed.

The R command will insert a blank rung. It is followed by a rung number n and will insert a blank

line unless the I/O program has no more room, or n is higher than END rung #.

The S command saves an I/O program from the current bank into the alternate memory bank for

safekeeping. Must be followed with the number 200 to activate, so that inadvertent operation is not
triggered with a simple single letter command.
I/O Error Codes List:

No Error, Command Accepted.

1 Unrecognized



Format, Missing Spaces, Etc.


Unmatched Pushes And Pops.


Not Enough Pushes For The Pop Operators.


Illegal I/O Node Identifier #. See List Of Legal Ids.


Invalid Op code For Selected Node Id.


Existing Use Of Node-Id Conflicts With New Use.


Nothing On Line At All.


Out Of Memory, No Room For Rung Data.


Command: P

EXCT_iodel (I/O rung delete)


[1..MAXRUN] where the parameter value identifies the rung number of the currently

active I/O program to delete.

Commands the STC-2002 to remove from the I/O program the rung entry identified by

the parameter value.

[RZCD_AOK] if proper rung number id was sent and such a rung exists.

[RZCD_INHB] if the requested rung number is beyond the last valid step in the program.

[RZCD_ILSN] if too many arguments, wrong delimiters, etc..


Command: Q

EXCT_iosel (I/O select bank)

I/O Program Editing