Intel IA-32 User Manual

Page 158

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4-28 Vol. 3A


new CPL (excluding conforming code segments), the segment register is loaded with a null
segment selector.

See the description of the RET instruction in Chapter 3, Instruction Set Reference, of the IA-32
Intel Architecture Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2
, for a detailed description of the priv-
ilege level checks and other protection checks that the processor performs on a far return.


Performing Fast Calls to System Procedures with the
SYSENTER and SYSEXIT Instructions

The SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions were introduced into the IA-32 architecture in the
Pentium II processors for the purpose of providing a fast (low overhead) mechanism for calling
operating system or executive procedures. SYSENTER is intended for use by user code running
at privilege level 3 to access operating system or executive procedures running at privilege level
0. SYSEXIT is intended for use by privilege level 0 operating system or executive procedures
for fast returns to privilege level 3 user code. SYSENTER can be executed from privilege levels
3, 2, 1, or 0; SYSEXIT can only be executed from privilege level 0.

The SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions are companion instructions, but they do not consti-
tute a call/return pair. This is because SYSENTER does not save any state information for use
by SYSEXIT on a return.

The target instruction and stack pointer for these instructions are not specified through instruc-
tion operands. Instead, they are specified through parameters entered in MSRs and general-
purpose registers.

For SYSENTER, target fields are generated using the following sources:

Target code segment — Reads this from IA32_SYSENTER_CS.

Target instruction — Reads this from IA32_SYSENTER_EIP.

Stack segment — Computed by adding 8 to the value in IA32_SYSENTER_CS.

Stack pointer — Reads this from the IA32_SYSENTER_ESP.

For SYSEXIT, target fields are generated using the following sources:

Target code segment — Computed by adding 16 to the value in the

Target instruction — Reads this from EDX.

Stack segment — Computed by adding 24 to the value in IA32_SYSENTER_CS.

Stack pointer — Reads this from ECX.

The SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions preform “fast” calls and returns because they force
the processor into a predefined privilege level 0 state when SYSENTER is executed and into a
predefined privilege level 3 state when SYSEXIT is executed. By forcing predefined and consis-
tent processor states, the number of privilege checks ordinarily required to perform a far call to
another privilege levels are greatly reduced. Also, by predefining the target context state in