L35 network configuration – Grass Valley K2 Storage System Instruction Manual v.3.3 User Manual

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June 25, 2009

K2 Storage System Instruction Manual


L35 network configuration

L35 network configuration

For a non-redundant system (L35) configure you would a Level 20 K2 Storage
System, with the following specifications:

• GigE switch configuration is the same as Level 20.

• On each GS K2 Media Servers, configure for the control network (one IP address)

and the media (iSCSI) network (two IP addresses).

• On the GS K2 Media Server that is the media file system and database server, do

not configure for the streaming (FTP) network.

• If there is no optional NH1-10GE K2 Media Server, on the GS K2 Media Server

that is not the media file system and database server, configure for the streaming
(FTP) network (one IP address).

• If there is an optional NH1-10GE K2 Media Server, on the GS K2 Media Server

that is not the media file system and database server, do not configure for the
streaming (FTP) network.

• If there is an optional NH1-10GE K2 Media Server, configure the NH1-10GE

server for control network (one IP address) and the streaming (FTP) network (one
IP address).

For a redundant system (L35R), configure as you would a Level 20R K2 Storage
System, taking the above specifications into consideration.