Grass Valley K2 Storage System Instruction Manual v.3.3 User Manual

Page 489

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June 25, 2009

K2 Storage System Instruction Manual


Recovering from a failed K2 Media Server system battery

Recovering from a failed K2 Media Server system battery

The following procedure applies to K2 Media Servers based on the Dell 2850/2950
platform. K2 Media Servers on other Dell models can have similar procedures. Refer
to the service documentation on the Dell Documentation CD for specific procedures.

When the system battery in a K2 Media Server fails (non rechargeable) the system
configuration is lost, and the system will not complete startup processes when the
battery is replaced.

To recover from a failed battery on a Dell 2950, do the following:

1. Restart the K2 Media Server.

A startup screen displays the message “Invalid configuration information - Please
run setup program. Time of day not set - Please run setup program.”

2. Press


to enter setup.

3. Set the system date and time

4. Select

System Setup | Integrated Devices

5. Select


. This also sets ChA and ChB to RAID

6. Restart the K2 Media Server.

A startup screen displays the message “Warning: Detected mode change from
SCSI to RAID on ChA of the embedded RAID system.”

7. Select



A startup screen displays the message “Warning: Detected mode change from
SCSI to RAID on ChB of the embedded RAID system.”

8. Select



The K2 Media Server restarts as normal.

When startup completes, normal operation is restored.