Grass Valley K2 Storage System Instruction Manual v.3.3 User Manual
Page 420
K2 Storage System Instruction Manual
June 25, 2009
Chapter 10 Overview of K2 Storage Tools
System devices. By default this account is as follows:
Username: Administrator
Password: adminK2
3. The K2 System Configuration application opens.
If you have one or more K2 Storage Systems currently configured, the K2 System
Configuration application displays the systems in the tree view.
If you have not yet configured a K2 Storage System, the K2 System Configuration
application opens with the tree view blank. Refer to the installation chapters earlier
in this manual to add and configure a new K2 Storage System.
You can expand and select nodes in the tree view to view K2 Storage Systems,
individual devices, and configuration settings. When you do so, the K2 System
Configuration application displays information as found in a configuration file,
rather than continuously polling devices to get their latest information. The
configuration file is saved on the V: drive, along with the media files in the shared
storage system. The configuration file is updated and saved whenever you change
a configuration using the K2 System Configuration application. That is why you
must always use the K2 System Configuration application to change settings on the
storage system, so the most recently changed configurations will always be stored
in the configuration file and displayed.
When you select a K2 storage
system, device, or subsystem
in the tree view...
And related
information and
controls appear.
Toolbar buttons are displayed
according to operations available...