Patching a dimmer, Tutorial – ETC Eos v1.3 User Manual
Page 78
Eos Operations Manual
Patching a Dimmer
Step 1:
To patch a dimmer you must first open the patch display. You may open the patch
display from the browser or by pressing [Displays]>{Patch}.
Step 2:
Enter a channel number from the control keypad.
• When typing any number from the control keypad, and patch is in default
channel mode, channel is assumed and is placed on the command line.
• You can also use the [+], [-] and [Thru] keys to make your channel selection to
patch more than one dimmer at once.
[1] [Thru] [5] [0] [At] [1] [Enter] patches channels 1 through 50 to
addresses 1 through 50 sequentially.
Step 3:
Enter the DMX address or addresses.
• You may press [At] and enter the DMX address using the control keypad. The
DMX address may be entered in standard format ([1] [0] [2] [5] [Enter]) or by
using the port and offset value ([3] [/] [1] [Enter]).
• Multiple addresses may be patched to a channel in a single command. For
example, [1] [0] [At] [1] [0] [5] [+] [2] [0] [5] [+] [3] [0] [5] [Enter] would patch
channel 10 to address 105, 205, and 305. When more than one device is
patched to a channel, Eos automatically creates parts for each device. This is
used if you need to access an address directly in the patch-by-channel display.
Step 4:
By default, Eos outputs both EDMX and ACN for each address. In a very large
system, it may be useful to specify the address’s device interface as EDMX (net 2) or
ACN (net 3) to reduce network traffic. Generally, this step is not required. To select a
device interface, press {Interface}.
• This displays three buttons labeled [ACN], [EDMX], and [All]. Select an interface
for the selected device. Once your selection is made, the command line will
populate with the correct interface after the address and terminate.
Step 5:
Select the {Database} softkey to specify notes and keyword text related to the
selected channel for reference and future queries.
• Pressing the {Notes} and/or a {Text} button opens the virtual keyboard on the
CIA. Pressing [Enter] returns the CIA to the database page.
If you create several addresses with multiple parts, you can select the same part for multiple
channels by selecting a channel range and using the {Part} key:
• [5] [Thru] [9] [Part] [2] [Enter] - selects only part 2 of channels 5-9.
N o t e :
Alternatively, when patch is in address mode, DMX address is assumed and is
placed on the command line. Channel mode and address mode are toggled using
the [Format] key in the patch display.