Using [go to cue, Using go to cue 0, Using go to cue out – ETC Eos v1.3 User Manual
Page 195: Using go to cue 0 using go to cue out
Working with Multiple Cue Lists
Using [Go To Cue]
[Go To Cue] defaults to the currently selected cue list. [Go to Cue] instructions can be executed
from any operating mode, without returning to live.
By default, a Go to Cue instruction is an out-of-sequence cue and will follow the rules of such (see
Out of Sequence Cues, page 194
For examples of how to use [Go To Cue], please see
Using Go To Cue 0
[Go To Cue] [0] is a command line instruction that resets all intensity values not owned by another
fader to default, including any manual values that are not an override to another active fader value.
[Go To Cue] [0] also resets the related cue list (as per the selected cue) to the top of the list, with the
first cue pending.
To [Go To Cue] [0] on another cue list, press:
• [Go To Cue] [2] [\] [0] [Enter]
Captured channels, independent values and values from other faders running a different cue list
are not affected by a [Go To Cue] [0] command.
When [Go To Cue] [0] is executed, any intensity values owned by the associated cue will fade out,
while all non-intensity parameters remain in the current state. A [Go To Cue] [0] instruction does not
impact the input from other programmers using partition, unless the channels/parameters are
[Go To Cue 0] & [Load]
You can use the [Go To Cue 0] button, located with the playback controls, in conjunction with a fader
load button to send a specific cue list to cue 0. This action does not use the command line. On the
desired fader, simply press:
• [Go To Cue 0] & [Load]
Using Go To Cue Out
To reset all parameters to their default state (unless they are controlled by a submaster) and reset
all cue lists that are loaded to faders so that the first cue of each list is pending, press:
• [Go To Cue] [Out] [Enter]
N o t e :
For your convenience, Eos has an added intensity parameter for LED fixtures, that
by manufacturer default, have only RGB parameters but no intensity parameter.
With this added control, the LED fixture will respond to the [Go To Cue 0]