ElmoMC Multi-Axis Motion Controller-Maestro User Manual
Maestro, Software manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Cover
- Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Functional Overview
- Chapter 3: Host Communications
- Chapter 4: General and Motion Instructions; Configuration Tools
- Chapter 5: MAXL Program Language
- 5.1 Lexical Conventions
- 5.2 Basic Concepts
- 5.3 Standard Conversions
- 5.4 Expressions
- 5.4.1 Types of Expressions
- MAXL Primary Expressions
- Postfix Expressions
- Expressions with Unary Operators
- Expressions with Binary Operators
- MAXL Logical Operators
- Simple Assignment
- Size of Array
- 5.4.2 Semantics of Expressions
- 5.4.1 Types of Expressions
- 5.5 Statements
- 5.6 Functions
- 5.7 Virtual Machine Control Statements
- 5.8 Difference Between Static and Dynamic Group
- 5.9 Static Variables
- 5.10 Maestro User Program Priority
- Chapter 6: The Maestro API
- 6.1 MAC_Initialize
- 6.2 MAC_Uninitialize
- 6.3 MAC_CreateTCPConnection
- 6.4 MAC_CreateRS232Connection
- 6.5 MAC_CloseConnection
- 6.6 MAC_SendCommand
- 6.7 MAC_LocateDevices
- 6.8 MAC_GetDevice
- 6.9 MAC_GetIpByName
- 6.10 MAC_IsDevicePresent
- 6.11 MAC_LocateObjects
- 6.12 MAC_GetObject
- 6.13 MAC_DownloadTrajectory
- 6.14 MAC_RemoveTrajectory
- 6.15 MAC_DownloadProgram
- 6.16 MAC_RemoveProgram
- 6.17 MAC_DownloadResources
- 6.18 MAC_DownloadResourcesEx
- 6.19 MAC_UploadLog
- 6.20 MAC_DownloadSimpleIQFirmware
- 6.21 MAC_GetLastError
- 6.22 MAC_InitEvents
- 6.23 MAC_DeinitEvents
- 6.24 MAC_RegCloseCallback
- 6.25 MAC_RegInterruptCallback
- 6.26 MAC_DownloadSimpleIQProgram
- 6.27 MAC_DownloadSimpleIQParams
- 6.28 MAC_DownloadSimpleIQApp
- Chapter 7: RS-232 Protocol Specification
- Chapter 8: The Recorder
- Chapter 9: The CANopen Configurator
- Chapter 10: Axis DS402 Command Reference
- Chapter 11: Ethernet IP Communication
- 11.1 Terms and Abbreviations
- 11.2 Types of Ethernet/IP Messages
- 11.3 Product Classes
- 11.4 Ethernet/IP Module Activation
- 11.5 UCMM (Unconnected) Messaging
- 11.6 Class 1 (I/O) connection server
- 11.7 Class 3 (connected) messaging server
- Chapter 12: MODBUS Implementation
- Chapter 13. Node DS301 Command Reference
- 13.1 NMT Service
- 13.2 Sync and Timestamp
- 13.3 Emergency Handling
- 13.4 Send PDO
- 13.5 Initialization of Callback Functions: Receive PDO
- 13.6 Callback Functions: Receive PDO
- 13.7 Download SDO - 8 bit
- 13.8 Download SDO - 16 bit
- 13.9 Download SDO - 32 bit
- 13.10 Upload SDO - 8 bit
- 13.11 Upload SDO - 16 bit
- 13.12 Upload SDO - 32 bit
- 13.13 Heartbeat Handling
- Chapter 14: Maestro Message Queue
- Appendix A: Setting up the Demo Case
- Appendix B: Sample Programs
- B.1 Graphic Primitives
- B.3 Basic Programming
- B.4 Callbacks Functions
- B.5 Homing
- B.6 Inputs
- B.7 Motion Objects
- B.8 Etc.
- Appendix C: Performance Considerations
- Appendix D: Maestro System Errors
- D.1 Error Structure:
- D.2 Common Zone Errors
- D.3 CAN Communication Zone Errors
- D.4 Virtual Machine Zone Errors
- D.5 Mathematical Library Zone Errors
- D.5.1 Root-level Error Codes:
- D.5.1.1 Error 0001
- D.5.1.2 Error 0003
- D.5.1.3 Error 0005
- D.5.1.4 Error 0006
- D.5.1.5 Error 0010
- D.5.1.6 Error 0011
- D.5.1.7 Error 0012
- D.5.1.8 Error 0013
- D.5.1.9 Error 0014
- D.5.1.10 Error 0015
- D.5.1.11 Error 0017
- D.5.1.12 Error 0021
- D.5.1.13 Error 0022
- D.5.1.14 Error 0023
- D.5.1.15 Error 0028
- D.5.1.16 Error 0030
- D.5.1.17 Error 0040
- D.5.1.18 Error 0041
- D.5.1.19 Error 0047
- D.5.1.20 Error 0050
- D.5.1.21 Error 0051
- D.5.1.22 Error 0061
- D.5.1.23 Error 0062
- D.5.1.24 Error 0063
- D.5.1.25 Error 0067
- D.5.1.26 Error 0068
- D.5.1.27 Error 0074
- D.5.1.28 Error 0075
- D.5.1.29 Error 0076
- D.5.1.30 Error 0077
- D.5.1.31 Error 0079
- D.5.1.32 Error 0080
- D.5.1.33 Error 0081
- D.5.1.34 Error 0082
- D.5.1.35 Error 0084
- D.5.1.36 Error 0085
- D.5.1.37 Error 0089
- D.5.1.38 Error 0096
- D.5.1.39 Error 0098
- D.5.1.40 Error 0100
- D.5.1.41 Error 0101
- D.5.1.42 Error 0102
- D.5.1.43 Error 0103
- D.5.1.44 Error 0104
- D.5.1.45 Error 0105
- D.5.2 Root-Level Warning Codes
- D.5.3 Additional Errors
- D.5.3.1 Error 0202 0007
- D.5.3.2 Error 0202 0018
- D.5.3.3 Error 0202 0048
- D.5.3.4 Error 0202 0049
- D.5.3.5 Error 0202 0052
- D.5.3.6 Error 0202 0069
- D.5.3.7 Error 0202 0086
- D.5.3.8 Error 0202 0092
- D.5.3.9 Error 0202 0093
- D.5.3.10 Error 0202 0095
- D.5.3.11 Error 0202 0112
- D.5.3.12 Error 0202 0113
- D.5.3.13 Error 0016
- D.5.1 Root-level Error Codes: