Apple Pages '09 User Manual

Page 99

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Chapter 5

Working with Text


To create and organize an outline:


In a word processing document, click Outline in the toolbar or choose View > Show

Document Outline, and then begin typing.


Press Return to add a new outline topic.

If a topic’s text is too lengthy, click the truncation button in the format bar to display
only the first line.

Choose the number of
outline levels to display.

Show only the first line of
paragraphs in an outline.

Show objects as thumbnails
or actual size in an outline.


Press Tab to add a subtopic. Press Return to add another subtopic.

Indent subtopics up to nine levels by pressing Tab or clicking the Promote and
Demote buttons in the format bar.

Click to promote or demote
outline topics or convert
selected text to body text.

Choose paragraph and character
styles for selected text.


Add inline images, tables, and movies to outline topics and subtopics. To display an

image or movie at a smaller size, choose Thumbnail from the pop-up menu in the
format bar.
When images, tables, and movies are full size, they are editable.


Double-click an Outline control to expand or collapse all the subtopics of a topic at

that level.
Choose how many levels of your outline are displayed using the Levels pop-up menu
in the format bar.


Click an Outline control and drag it to rearrange topics and subtopics.

Drag Outline controls up or down to reorder topics within the same outline level.
Drag Outline controls left or right to promote or demote topics or subtopics to a
different outline level.