Apple Pages '09 User Manual

Page 278

background image



setting the default distance between 96

table cells

adding and editing content 191
adding color 198
adding images 198
associating conditions with custom number

format 214

autofilling 193
automatic formatting 202
changing a custom cell format 218
changing conditional formatting 197
comments 200
conditional formatting 195
copying 200
creating a custom date and time format 216
creating a custom text format 217
currency formatting 204
custom number formats 207
date and time formatting 205
defining conditional formatting 196
defining the decimals element of a custom

number format 210

defining the integers element of a custom

format 209

defining the scale of a custom number

format 212

displaying content too large for cell 194
duration formatting 205
formatting borders 199
formatting for display 201
formatting for displaying values 207
fraction formatting 205
managing conditional formatting 197
merging 198
moving 200
number formatting 203
numeral system formatting 206
percentage formatting 204
reordering, renaming, and deleting custom

formats 220

scientific formatting 206
splitting 199
text formatting 207
working with numbers 193
working with text 192

Table inspector 177, 191
table of contents

adding leader lines 65
creating 64
formatting 65
updating after revisions 64


adding 176
adding columns 186
adding footer rows 188
adding header columns 187

adding header rows 187
adding rows 185
adding rows and columns 184
alternating row colors 189
changing appearance 180
converting text to a table 181
copying between iWork applications 181
deleting rows and columns 186
moving 180
resizing 179
resizing rows and columns 188
selecting 182
selecting a group of table cells 183
selecting a row or column 183
selecting a table cell 182
selecting cell borders 184
sorting rows 190
table tools 177

Template Chooser. See custom templates
template pages

adding 80
deleting 80


choosing 15
options 15
saving 39
skimming to view page designs 32


adding borders and rules 108
adding in shapes 109
copying 81
deleting 81
highlighting 107
pasting 81
selecting 81
splitting into columns 108

text boxes

defining columns 108
floating 104
inline 105
linking 106

Text inspector 23

See also sections


adding an item 21
changing tool icon size 21
choosing only icons or only text for tools 21
customizing 21
default tools 21
rearranging items 21
removing items 21
restoring default tool set 21
showing and hiding 21
using the Command and Control keys to

change 21