Apple Pages '09 User Manual

Page 139

background image

Chapter 7

Working with Images, Shapes, and Other Objects


Click Media in the toolbar, click the Photos button in the Media Browser window, select


the album where your picture is located, and then drag a thumbnail to position it
where you want it.

Second, choose a source.

First, click a button to go to
your media files.

Third, drag an item to the
document or to an image
well in one of the inspectors.

Search for a file by typing
its name here.

Command-click outside the text areas in the document so that no insertion point


is visible, and then choose Insert > Choose. Select the file and click Insert. Drag the
image to position it where you want it.

To import an image as an inline object in a word processing document:
Press the Command key, and then drag an image file from the Finder to the document


window until you see the insertion point at the place where you want the image to
appear. Release the image when you have placed it where you want it.
Click Media in the toolbar, click the Photos button in the Media Browser window, select


the album where your picture is located, press the Command key, and then drag a
thumbnail to the document window, releasing the image when the insertion point is
at the place where you want the image to appear.
Place the insertion point wherever you want the image to appear, choose Insert >


Choose, select the image file, and then click Insert.

After importing your image, you can drag it to position it wherever you want on a
page. You can use the tools in Pages to mask (crop) an image; change its brightness,
contrast, and other image qualities; or erase its background.