Setting character and paragraph fill colors – Apple Pages '09 User Manual

Page 107

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Chapter 5

Working with Text


To hide connection lines between text boxes, choose Format > Text Box > Hide


Connection Lines. To display connection lines between text boxes, choose Format >
Text Box > Show Connection Lines.
To reposition the text boxes, select and drag them. The flow of the text inside the


boxes always follows the order in which the boxes were created, regardless of where
you position them in the document.
To copy and paste linked text boxes, select all of them, choose Edit > Copy, and choose


Edit > Paste without deselecting the original text boxes. The copy is pasted directly
over the original text boxes and is selected. Drag the selected copy to its new location.
If you copy and paste a single linked box, you will create a single unlinked text box,
identical to the one you copied.
If a single table flows through linked text boxes, you must copy or duplicate the first
text box in which the table appears in order to copy the table as well.
To select only the text in all the linked text boxes, select text in the first box, and then


press Command-A.

Setting Character and Paragraph Fill Colors

For some designs, you may want to highlight text by placing a fill color behind the
text. When you place a character or paragraph fill color behind text, the color extends
between the layout margins and moves with the text.

Use the format bar controls to quickly add character or paragraph fill color to text.
Select the text, and then click the Text or Background color well in the format bar.

Here are ways to place a character or paragraph fill color behind text:
To use the Text inspector to add character or paragraph fill color, select the text, click


Inspector in the toolbar, click the Text button, and then click More. Select the Character
or Paragraph checkbox below Background Fills, and then click the Fill color well and
select a color in the Colors window.

Select a fill color.

Select to place a fill
color behind text.

To use the Fonts window to add character or paragraph fill color, click Fonts in the


toolbar, click the Document Color button in the Fonts window (the fourth button from
the left), and then select a color in the Colors window.

For information about the Colors window, see “The Colors Window” on page 26.