Formatting specific chart types, Customizing the look of pie charts, 237 formatting specific chart types 237 – Apple Pages '09 User Manual

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Chapter 10

Creating Charts from Data


Formatting Specific Chart Types

Pie charts, bar and column charts, and other specific chart types have special
formatting options.

For example, you can apply shadow to individual pie wedges, move wedges away from
the center of the pie, use different symbols for data points along different lines in line
charts, and more.

To learn how to

Go to

Set shadows and adjust spacing between chart
bars or columns

Setting Shadows, Spacing, and Series Names on
Bar and Column Charts
” on page 241

Format pie charts and individual wedges in them “Customizing the Look of Pie Charts” on page 237

Format line chart elements

Customizing Data Point Symbols and Lines in
Line Charts”
on page 242

Format area charts

Showing Data Point Symbols in Area Charts” on
page 242

Format scatter charts

Using Scatter Charts” on page 243

Format 2-axis and mixed-type charts

Customizing 2-Axis and Mixed Charts” on
page 244

Format 3D charts

“Adjusting Scene Settings for 3D Charts” on
page 245

Customizing the Look of Pie Charts

One pie chart represents a single data set, and each wedge is one data point value in
that set (the first data point from each data series). If the data series are in rows, only
the first column is used in creating the chart; if the data series is in columns, only the
first row is used in creating the chart. You can any chart data set by moving it to the
first row or column of the table.

To adjust the look of an individual pie wedge, you must first select the pie chart, and
then select the wedges you want to change.

Here are ways to select pie wedges in a selected pie chart:
To select any wedge, click it.


To select all the wedges, select any wedge and press Command-A.


To select nonadjacent wedges, hold down the Command key as you select each wedge.


To select a continuous range of wedges, select the first wedge, and then hold down


the Shift key as you select the last wedge.