Setting indents, Setting indents for paragraphs, 97 setting indents 97 – Apple Pages '09 User Manual

Page 97

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Chapter 5

Working with Text


To display measurements as a percentage of the distance across the page, choose


Pages > Preferences, click Rulers, and then select “Display ruler units as percentage.”
To place the ruler’s horizontal origin point at the center of the page, choose


Pages > Preferences, click Rulers, and then select “Place origin at center of ruler.”
To display the vertical ruler in a word processing document, choose


Pages > Preferences, click Rulers, and then select “Enable vertical ruler in word
processing documents.”

When you change ruler settings in Pages preferences, the new settings apply to all
documents viewed in Pages until you change the settings again.

Setting Indents

You can modify the amount of space between the edge of a paragraph and the
document margins. You can also adjust the amount of space between text and the
inside border of a text box, shape, or table cell.

To learn about

Go to

Changing indentation

Setting Indents for Paragraphs” on page 97

Adjusting the space between text and the inside
border of objects

Changing the Inset Margin of Text in Objects” on
page 98

Setting Indents for Paragraphs

You can use the horizontal ruler and the Text inspector to set indents for paragraphs.

Here are ways to set indents:
To change indentation using the horizontal ruler, drag the indentation controls.


First-line indentation

Left indentation

Right indentation

To change the right indent, drag the right indent symbol (downward blue triangle on
the right side of the horizontal ruler) to the position where you want the right edge of
the paragraph to end.
To change the left indent, drag the left indent symbol (downward blue triangle on the
left side of the ruler) to where you want the left edge of the paragraph to begin.
To change the left margin independently from the left indent, hold down the Option
key as you drag.
To change indentation of the first line, drag the first line indent (blue rectangle) to
where you want the first line of each paragraph to start.