Adding citations and bibliographies using endnote – Apple Pages '09 User Manual
Page 66

To change the look of a table of contents entry:
In the table of contents, select the entry type that you want to format, such as a first-
level heading.
All entries of the same type are automatically selected. They cannot be
individually selected.
To open the Styles drawer, click the Styles Drawer button in the format bar.
Notice that the Styles drawer now displays a list of table of contents styles. The TOC
style that corresponds to the selected entry is also selected.
When a table of contents
entry is selected, the
Styles drawer displays
table of contents styles.
Click the arrow and
choose whether to
redefine the selected
style, create a new style,
or just rename it.
To change the font attributes of the TOC heading, use the format bar controls.
Other ways to change font attributes are the Fonts window, the Text inspector, and the
Colors window.
To create leader lines from an entry to its associated page number, select the TOC
entry, click the tab in the Tab Stops column in the Tabs pane of the Text inspector, and
then choose a line style from the Leader pop-up menu.
To change the style in the Styles drawer to match the entry, click the arrow to the right
of the style name and choose “Redefine Style from Selection.”
To create a new TOC style instead, click the arrow to the right of the style name and
choose “Create New TOC Style from Selection,” and then type a name for the new
style. You can also add a new style by clicking the Add (+) button at the bottom-left
corner of the Styles drawer. In either case, type a name for the new style, and then
select “Apply this new style on creation” if you want it to be applied immediately to the
selected text.
To rename the style in the Styles drawer, click the arrow next to the style name and
choose Rename Style. Type a new name for the style.
Adding Citations and Bibliographies Using EndNote
Pages works with EndNote X2, software that lets you search and manage references
and create bibliographies. To take advantage of these features, you must have
EndNote X2 installed, and you must have assigned, in Endnote X2, a default library to
open when EndNote X2 is opened.
Chapter 3
Working with Document Parts