Apple Pages '09 User Manual
Page 277

inserting 47
starting a paragraph on a new page 48
page numbers
adding 115
formatting 115
See also headers and footers
page view
choosing options 18
document page 19
layout 19
Pages Preferences 89, 96, 117
paragraph styles. See styles
keeping entire on the same page 48
keeping together on a page 48
preventing widow and orphan lines 49
setting indents 97
personalizing documents
defining merge fields 249
inserting merge data 247
inserting sender data 247
merge fields 250
using data not in Address Book or vCard 249
pie charts
adding shadows 240
changing colors and textures 238
separating individual wedges 240
showing labels 239
image 140
in columns 108
tables 78
text 78
polygon shape
editing 152
portrait page orientation 46
a specified page range 255
document 253
options 253
previewing before 254
with comments showing 256
as you type 120
showing and hiding 96
using to set indents 97
as an iWork '08 document 260
as a template 39
backup version 40
copy of document 39
document 37
scatter charts
using 243
scroll bars and arrows 29
adding and deleting 60
creating 59
defining attributes 61, 62
formatting facing pages 62
managing with thumbnail view 60, 61
restarting page numbering in 61
reusing 63
adding custom 146
adding predrawn 146
creating 145
editing 147
editing predrawn 150, 151, 152
making editable 148
manipulating points 148
reshaping a curve 149
reshaping a straight segment 150
transforming corner points into curved
points 150
using the Draw tool 146
keyboard shortcuts 30
shortcut menus 30
sound file
adding 153
spelling check
as you type 118
of selected text 118
working with suggested spelling 118
adding 152
applying 125
copying and pasting 134
creating new character styles 126, 134
creating new paragraph styles 126
deleting 127
importing 135
modifying 127, 129, 131, 132
overriding 134
renaming 127
types available 123
See also lists
Styles Drawer 27
tab stops
adding and changing 94, 95
changing with the ruler 94, 95
deleting 96