Viewing thumbnails, Adding and deleting sections, 60 f – Apple Pages '09 User Manual
Page 60

To remove a section break, click at the beginning of the line that follows the break and
press the Delete key.
To learn about
Go to
Navigating through a document and managing
sections in it
“Viewing Thumbnails” on page 60
“Adding and Deleting Sections” on page 60
“Reorganizing Sections” on page 61
Defining section attributes such as page
numbering, headers and footers, margins,
and more
“Changing Headers and Footers in a Section” on
page 61
“Restarting Page Numbering in a Section” on
page 61
“Setting Up a Unique Format for a Section’s First
Page” on page 62
“Formatting Facing Pages in a Section” on
page 62
“Reusing Sections” on page 63
Viewing Thumbnails
Using thumbnail view is a good way to get an overview of your Pages document.
Here are ways to view thumbnails:
To show the thumbnail view in a word processing document, click View in the toolbar
and choose Page Thumbnails. In a page layout document, thumbnails are displayed
by default.
To hide the thumbnail view, click View in the toolbar and deselect Page Thumbnails.
To show facing pages in the thumbnail view, select Facing Pages in the Document
inspector’s Document pane.
To go to a specific page, click its thumbnail. The page appears in the main viewing area
and the page’s thumbnail is highlighted to indicate your place in the document.
You can also navigate to a page in a document by clicking the Page button in the
lower left of the document window, typing the specific page number in the “Go to
Page” field, and then pressing Return.
You can make the thumbnail view area wider and page thumbnails larger by adjusting
the resize control located at the bottom right of the thumbnail column.
Adding and Deleting Sections
You can quickly add and delete sections in your Pages document using thumbnails.
Here are ways to add and delete sections:
To delete a section and its contents, select the section in the thumbnail view, and press
the Delete key.
Chapter 3
Working with Document Parts