Copying and moving cells, Adding comments to table cells, Copying and moving – Apple Pages '09 User Manual
Page 200: Cells

To format table cell borders:
Select the cell border segments you want to format. See “Selecting Table Cell
Borders” on page 184 for instructions.
Use the controls in the format bar or in the Table inspector.
Stroke pop-up menu: Lets you choose a stroke style. Choose None to hide borders.
Line thickness: Controls the thickness of the stroke.
Color well: Lets you choose a stroke color.
When you click the color well in the format bar, a color matrix appears. Select a
color by clicking it in the matrix, or click Show Colors to open the Colors window for
additional color options.
When you click the color well in the Table inspector, the Colors window opens. “The
Colors Window” on page 26 provides instructions for using this tool.
Copying and Moving Cells
Here are ways to copy and move cells:
To move cells within a table, to another table, or to a page, select a cell or several
adjacent cells, and then drag the selection (when the pointer changes to a hand) until
any destination cells are selected. Values in the destination cells are replaced, and the
values in the original location are removed.
To copy cells within a table, to another table, or to a page, drag selected cells while
holding down the Option key. Any values in the destination cells are replaced, and the
values in the original location are retained.
You can also copy cells by selecting them, choosing Edit > Copy, selecting destination
cells, and then choosing Edit > Paste.
You can learn more about techniques for duplicating or moving a cell that contains
a formula. For more information about this topic, choose Help > “iWork Formulas and
Functions Help” or Help > “iWork Formulas and Functions User Guide.”
Adding Comments to Table Cells
Use comments to record information about table cells.
To learn more about adding comments to your Pages document, see “Using
Comments” on page 76.
Here are ways to work with comments:
To add a comment to a cell, select the cell and click Comment in the toolbar, or choose
Insert > Comment. Type in the comment box.
To hide all comments, choose View > Hide Comments.
Chapter 9
Working with Table Cells