Apple Pages '09 User Manual
Page 136

Select the styles you want to import in the dialog. Hold down the Command key as
you click the style names to select multiple styles, or click Select All.
To replace styles in your document that have the same name as the styles you are
importing, select “Replace duplicates.”
Note that replacing a style will affect any text that uses this style. Replacing a style also
changes the style of text in locked objects, but the text retains its original appearance.
If an imported style has the same name as a style in the open document and you do
not select “Replace duplicates,” a number is appended to the name of the imported
style. For example, if you import a style called Body to a document that already
contains a Body style, the imported style will be named Body 2.
Click OK.
You can make imported paragraph styles available by clicking the Paragraph Style
pop-up menu in the format bar and in the Styles drawer of your document. Imported
character and list styles will be available in the Styles drawer.
To maintain a consistent look among several documents, keep a master document that
contains all the styles you need. When you need to change a style, change it in the
master document and import the master document’s styles into the other documents.
Chapter 6
Working with Styles