Apple Pages '09 User Manual

Page 68

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To delete a citation that appears only in the bibliography, choose Edit > EndNote

Citations > Manage Citations. Select a citation in the Manage Citations window and
click Delete (–).
The citation is deleted from the bibliography.

To add and edit a bibliography:


Place the insertion point where you want the bibliography to appear in your

document, and choose Insert > EndNote Bibliography.


To edit a Bibliography, choose Edit > EndNote Citations > Bibliography, or double-click

the Bibliography.
To change the citation and bibliography format, choose a format from the Bibliography
pop-up menu. The bibliography format options are a set of default formats.
To update the bibliography format options, restart EndNote X2, and then restart Pages.

Note: Only one automatically updating bibliography can exist in a document at a time.
If a bibliography already exists in the document, an additional bibliography will be
added as text only and won’t update when citations are added or deleted. To paste an
automatically updating bibliography, first delete the existing bibliography, then paste.


Chapter 3

Working with Document Parts