Saving with tracked changes off, Using comments, 76 using comments – Apple Pages '09 User Manual

Page 76

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Saving with Tracked Changes Off

Save a “clean” copy of your document with tracked changes turned off and
comments removed.

Saving a copy of your document with tracked changes turned off is useful when you
want a version with all the changes accepted. For example, you want to continue to
track changes, but want to send a “clean” copy to a reviewer so that the reviewer can’t
see the original document content.

Select to save a “clean”
copy of your document.

To save a document with tracked changes off:
With tracked changes on, choose “Save a Copy as Final” from the Action menu in the


tracking bar.
All editing changes made to this version of your document are accepted and all
comments are removed.

Using Comments

With comments, you can annotate a document or parts of it without changing the
document. Comments are useful for making notes to yourself, asking questions of
reviewers, conveying editorial suggestions, and so on.

Identify the part of the document a comment applies to by placing an insertion point
or by selecting words or objects. The part of the document associated with a comment
is called the comment anchor.

Click Comment to add a
comment to your document.

Comments are displayed in the
Comments pane and are anchored
to part of the document.


Chapter 4

Reviewing and Revising Documents