I2c bus, Keyboard / display interface, C bus – Teledyne 9110EH - Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer User Manual

Page 225: Table 11-4, Dc power supply acceptable levels

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Model 9110EH Instruction Manual Troubleshooting & Repair

Table 11-4: DC Power Supply Acceptable Levels

CHECK relay board Test Points

From Test Point

To Test Point




Name # Name #

Min V

Max V

PS1 +5 DGND 1 +5 2



PS1 +15 AGND 3 +15 4



PS1 -15 AGND 3 -15V 5



PS1 AGND AGND 3 DGND 1 -0.05 +0.05
PS1 Chassis DGND 1 Chassis N/A -0.05 +0.05
PS2 +12



6 +12V 7





Ret 6 DGND 1 -0.05 +0.05

11.5.6. I


C Bus

Operation of the I


C bus can be verified by observing the behavior of the LED labeled D1 on

the relay board in conjunction with the performance of the front panel display. Assuming

that the DC power supplies are operating properly and the wiring from the motherboard to
the keyboard as well as from the keyboard to the relay board is intact, the I


C bus is

operating properly if:

• D1 on the relay board is flashing or
• D1 is not flashing but pressing a key on the front panel results in a change to the


If the display is locked up or if the analyzer is not booting up at all, the I


C bus may be the

cause. Contact customer service if you suspect a problem with the I


C bus.

11.5.7. Keyboard / Display Interface

The front panel keyboard, the display and the keyboard/display circuit board can be verified
by observing the operation of the display when power is applied to the instrument and when
a key is pressed on the front panel. Assuming that there are no wiring problems and that

the DC power supplies are operating properly:

• The vacuum fluorescence display is working properly if, on power-up, a “-“ character

is visible on the upper left hand corner of the display.

• If there is no “-“ character on the display at power-up but the D1 LED on the relay

board is flashing, the keyboard/display circuit may be bad.

• If the analyzer starts operation with a normal display but pressing a key on the front

panel does not change the display, then there are three possible problems:

• One or more of the keys is bad,
• The interrupt signal between the keyboard and the motherboard is broken or
• The keyboard circuit is bad.

You can verify this failure by logging on to the instrument using APICOM or a terminal

program. If the analyzer responds to remote commands and the display changes accord-
ingly, the display wiring or the I


C bus may be faulty.

M9110EH Rev 0