1 features of mb89202/f202ra series, Features of mb89202/f202ra series – FUJITSU F2MC-8L F202RA User Manual
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Features of MB89202/F202RA Series
The MB89202/F202RA series contains general-purpose single-chip microcontrollers that
incorporate a full range of peripheral functions such as A/D converter, UART, PWM
timer, PPG, capture timer/counter and external interrupts as well as a compact
instruction set.
Features of MB89202/F202RA Series
MC-8L CPU core
Instruction set most suitable for controllers
Multiplication and division instruction
16-bit operation
Branch instruction by bit test
Bit operation instruction, and others
4-system timers
8/16-bit capture timer/counter (8-bit capture timer/counter + 8-bit timer or 16-bit capture timer/counter)
8-bit PWM timer (also available as an interval timer)
21-bit time-base timer
Watchdog timer
10-bit A/D converter
10-bit A/D
× 8 channels
Activation by 8/16-bit capture timer/counter output is possible.
Programmable pulse generator (PPG)
Pulse width and cycle are software selectable (12-bit PPG).
6, 7, or 8 transfer data length
8-bit serial I/O
Available when switched from UART
LSB first/MSB first selectability
External interrupts
External interrupt 1 (edge detection
× 3 pins) has three independent inputs and can be used for wake-up
from low-power consumption mode. (The edge detection can be selected from rising-edge, falling-edge,
and both-edge modes.)