Grass Valley Kayenne K-Frame v.7.0 User Manual

Page 54

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Section 3 — Setting Suite Preferences

manner. To prevent accidentally saving and loading incorrect files, your
facility should establish file storage and naming conventions and follow
them consistently.

The engineer in charge should create default Panel and Suite Prefs files that
are not to be modified by anyone, and shared by everyone. These can
provide a known starting point for users when they build their own pref-
erence files.

Experienced users may want to create their own sets of preference files and
save only critical ones in the Frame User directory. Other files can be loaded
using the browser from any directory or be placed on a personal USB
Memory Stick.

Use the Show feature to manage groups of files routinely used together for
a particular production.

Save important files to the Menu Panel hard drive and a USB Memory Stick
for backup, clearly label each (perhaps including the date), and store them
in a safe place.

Managing Files Using the Utilities Pane Buttons in the File
Ops Menus

Each File Ops menu category (Show Files, All Files, User Setups, etc.) has a
Utilities Pane, with buttons to perform Copy, Paste, Delete and Create
Folder operations and a


toggle button (

Figure 26
