Return to normal technique, Source holds in effects, Setting a source hold in a new effect – Grass Valley Kayenne K-Frame v.7.0 User Manual
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Source Holds in Effects
The transition rules have one subtile limitation. The next transition element
buttons are an interlocked group. All these buttons cannot be turned off
simultaneously (at least one element is always selected). This means you
cannot uses these buttons to prevent any transition from occurring when all
the elements are in use. To workaround this special case, add another key-
frame to the effect to transition the keys with a one field transition (which
is the same as a cut).
Return to Normal Technique
A useful technique to use when building effects for use on-air is to first
establish a normal switcher state for the particular show. This normal state
could, for example, have only the
next transition element selected, a
transition type, all six keyers off, and one second transition durations.
This normal state permits immediate cuts or dissolves to and from any ele-
ment, probably the most common requirements during a live show.
Running the effect departs from the normal state to do whatever is
required. When the effect comes to the end of its run, the next to last key-
frame controls the transition that occurs at the end of the effect. The last
keyframe has no following keyframe and so does not transition, and that
keyframe effectively has no duration. You can set the next transition ele-
ments in this last keyframe to the normal state without fear of causing
unanticipated transitions. This return to normal technique permits com-
pletely controllable seamless shifts between your effect recalls and runs
and your live switching.
When building effects for the show, take care that the beginning and ending
of every effect works well with the normal state. You also may wish to
apply a Source Hold to the first keyframe to ensure the last source selected
remains unchanged going into the effect.
Source Holds in Effects
During E-MEM recalls and effect runs sources can be programmed to
change. Sometimes this is not desired, as an effect may be designed to run
on the currently selected sources, not the particular sources used when the
effect was built. Holds can be programmed into an effect with the Source
Holds menu to prevent sources from changing when that effect is recalled.
This form of hold is keyframeable, and so can be applied to specific por-
tions of an effect.
Setting a Source Hold in a New Effect
Go to the Source Holds menu (
E-MEM & Timeline
Source Holds