Bus linking menu – Grass Valley Kayenne K-Frame v.7.0 User Manual

Page 181

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Bus Linking

used for a secondary customer’s feed might select a wide shot whenever
that camera was selected on the Controlling bus.

Another example is to prevent feedback when selecting a studio wide shot.
Many modern sets include monitors, and these will typically be fed from
an aux bus of the switcher with program output selected. When the wide
shot camera is selected on PGM-PST A bus, the camera might pick up the
monitor wall and generate video feedback. This can be prevented by asso-
ciating all source selections on PGM-PST A except the wide shot camera to
select PGM-PST A on the aux bus. The wide shot camera source is then
associated to an alternative graphics source on the aux bus appropriate to
the show.

Another possibility is to program the ME 3 A row as an extension of the
PGM-PST A bus for shows that need instant access to more than 32 sources
without pressing the Shift button. In this case ME 3 A is the Controlling bus
and PGM-PST A is the Linked bus. In this scenario, the easiest way to set
this up is to link the buses and map the sources one to one, then set the shift
preference for ME 3 A to Shifted. An alternative method is to map each
source on ME 3 A to a specific alternate source on PGM-PST A. Other ME 3
buses could be linked for additional extended selection. A third alternative
is to map all sources on ME 3 A to select ME 3 A on PGM-PST A.

Bus Linking Menu

One-to-one (Single), one-to-many (Parallel), and one-to-one-to-one (Cas-
cading) bus links can exist simultaneously in the Bus Links, Links Setup

The Bus Links menu is divided into two tabs, the Links Setup menu and the
Source Tables menu. The Links Setup menu has the Current Link pane

Figure 102

, left) and the Table Setup menu (

Figure 102

, right).