Grass Valley Kayenne XL Package v.7.0.4 User Manual
Page 652

Kayenne XL Package — User Manual
The degree of purity of a color. Adding white
to a color reduces its degree of saturation.
Self Key
A key effect in which a single video signal
serves as both the key cut and key fill.
Serial Digital Video
Passing video data bits in serial form (one bit
after another), along a single wire.
Serial Interface
An interface which enable the switcher to be
controlled remotely by a computer editor or
other serial controller. Data is passed serially
between the editor and the switcher at select-
able baud (transmission) rates.
A device that converts parallel digital infor-
mation to serial.
An EMEM with only one keyframe.
Soft Border
A wipe pattern border which is mixed on the
edges to give a soft effect.
Soft Edge
A pattern edge between two video signals in
which the signals are mixed for a soft effect.
1) An external device providing video. A
source may provide only one video signal, or
it may provide two signals (key fill and key
2) The video signal(s) from a source, along
with the source definition information asso-
ciated with that source.
SPOP (Single Press Open)
Automatically opening a related menu when
a control panel button is pressed.
Still Store
A device that captures, saves, and outputs a
still video image. On the Kayak HD system
the RamRecorder option is a still store with
additional capabilities, including animation.
Store (Learn)
To save a panel setup using EMEM.
1) General term for a synchronizing signal or
signal component. Digital systems generally
employ an analog external timing reference
signal (such as color black or tri-level sync) to
synchronize different pieces of equipment.
Within the digital signal itself, however, syn-
chronizing information is carried by special
digital codes inserted at the beginning and
end of each active line.
2) In analog television systems, sync is the
portion of the video signal which occurs dur-
ing blanking and is used to synchronize the
operation of cameras, monitors, and other
equipment. Horizontal sync occurs within
the blanking period in each horizontal scan-
ning line, and vertical sync occurs within the
vertical blanking period. A color black signal
is often used for synchronizing different
pieces of analog equipment.
A light which lights up to indicate that the
associated button has been selected or to in-
dicate that the associated input to the switch-
er is on-air.
Terminate, Termination
To complete a circuit by connecting a resis-
tive load to it.
A change from one picture to another. Cut,
mix, and wipe are transitions.