Grass Valley Kayenne XL Package v.7.0.4 User Manual
Page 608

Kayenne XL Package — User Manual
Section 4 — Sidepanel Menu Summaries
For details see below.
Current: Inserts a keyframe with the actual settings
Inserts a stored Snapshot or Sequence. Enter the desired number.
Inserts a wait object GPI, User, TOD, Hold.
Inserts a trigger object GPO, DVE, Machine, Memo, MaKE,
Inserts a loop object Begin, End
To insert a PBus Trigger/Register: Under
Insert > Trigger >
, a Trigger PBus command or a PBus Register command can be
inserted into the timeline.
PBus Trigger
The listbox represents the machines and the meaning of the trigger for
the machines.
The first line in the listbox shows the numeric value of the trigger. All
machines get the same trigger whose meaning, however, can be dif-
ferent for the individual machines. If the trigger is changed for one
machine, in general, the display of the other machines is also changed
as well as the numeric value of the trigger.
PBus Register
In the first line, that register can be selected which has to be recalled. It
shows the machines. For each machine, it can be individually selected
whether the recall has to be performed or not.