Scaler menu, Input scaler submenu (matchdef™) – Grass Valley Kayenne XL Package v.7.0.4 User Manual
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Kayenne XL Package — User Manual
Scaler Menu
Scaler Menu
Kayenne XL supports the MatchDef™ option for up, down, or crosscon-
verting of different input formats to the production format on up to four
inputs per M/E.
In addition the SetDef™ option for up, down, or crossconverting of the
switcher production format to different output formats is supported. For
this up to two outputs per M/E are available.
Input Scaler Submenu (MatchDef™)
The MatchDef™ dual video input source scalars software option enable the
Kayak HD switcher to seamlessly match video sources of different line
rates and aspect rations to the switcher’s production format. The Scalers
work by converting inputs of different formats to the same format as that
used by the switcher. These converted/scaled inputs can then be used any-
where in the switcher. The system supports the use of up to four scalars per
M/E that can be used for up-conversion of SD sources to HD formats.
The MatchDef™ dual video input scalars enable you to match SD sources
into an HD production or HD sources into an SD production. You can cross
match different HD formats as well without sacrificing critical production
elements such as keyers. Scalers also let you match video sources using dif-
ferent aspect ratios to the native production format.
The SD and HD standards use different colorimetry. Color bar signals of a dif-
ferent standard that pass through the Scaler will not align with the color
boxes of a vectorscope. However, the actual color of the video image will be
accurate on screen.