Transition, Full additive mix – Grass Valley Kayenne XL Package v.7.0.4 User Manual
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Kayenne XL Package — User Manual
A transition is a change from one image to another. The Kayak HD system
supports three basic types of transitions:
DPM (optional)
A transition can be applied to the entire picture, or to only the background
or keyed elements of the picture, and can include multiple elements.
A cut is an instantaneous switch from one image to another (between suc-
cessive video fields or frames). The simplest type is a hot cut, accomplished
by selecting a different source on a bus feeding an M/E output. This only
changes that bus’s contribution to the output, and does not change what
elements may be involved in the output (the same buses are involved).
The system also provides cut transitions, where the elements involved in a
composite can be changed instantaneously. Different buses can be included
or excluded, causing changes in the resulting composite image. Back-
ground cut transitions on the M/E are first selected on the Background B
bus to enable previewing the upcoming picture before it is cut
On Air
A mix is a transition from one picture to another where the new picture
fades in as the existing picture fades out. During a standard mix transition
a superimposition of both pictures, each at a lower intensity, is visible.
The Kayak HD system enables mixing from one background to another and
to mix up to four separate keys on or off over a background. Background
and key mixes can be done separately or simultaneously.
Full Additive Mix
Full Additive Mix (FAM) is a special mix transition that the Kayak HD
system supports besides normal crossfade transitions. Picture elements in
FAM transitions are composited differently through the time of the transi-