Grass Valley Kayenne XL Package v.7.0.4 User Manual
Page 102

Kayenne XL Package — User Manual
Section 3 — Control Panel
Auto Trans button is low tally when AUX Transition is enabled for an AUX
bus. The Direct Trans button is low tally only if AUX is enabled and Direct-
Mode is enabled. Always an AUX bus has a known preset source which is
'BLACK' by default.
Operating Modes
There are only two ways to operate the AUX Transition:
Direct Mode:
In Direct Mode pressing the low tally Auto Trans executes an AUX tran-
sition with the known preset source. While this transition is executed,
the Auto Trans button light switched to high tally. When this transition
has reached the end, the Auto Trans button light switched back to low
tally and the mainframe swaps PGM and PST sources. As a result, sub-
sequent Auto Trans button presses toggles the transition in this mode.
Auto Mode:
In Auto Mode the Direct Trans button is OFF and the Auto Trans button is
low tally. Pressing the Auto Trans button, it starts to flash. If you push a
source button at that AUX bus now, the preset source will be newly
preset and the AUX transition will be executed which is indicated by
the high-tally Auto Trans button while the transition is running. At the
end of the transition, PGM and PST swaps again and the Auto Trans
button goes back to low tally. Doing this, you have executed a single
shot AUX transition by pushing an AUX source button.
The Auto Mode can be used to decide during operation if the dedicated
AUX buses executes a CUT when pushing an AUX bus source - or - exe-
cutes an AUX transition if you preset this mode using the flashing Auto
Trans button prologue.
The running transition can be finished by pressing the
Auto Trans
again. A pause of the running transition is not possible.
During transition it is possible to change the source (Pst) by simple pressing
another source button. The transition will be completed in the remainig time.
for more details.