Key mask submenu – Grass Valley Kayenne XL Package v.7.0.4 User Manual
Page 461

Kayenne XL Package — User Manual
Key Menu
Key Mask Submenu
Touching the Mask subcategory button takes you to the Keyer Mask Point
of Use menu. The Mask menu enable selection and control of the keyer
mask(s). Key masking defines areas that are protected from keying (Inhibit)
or always key (Force). The shape of the mask can originate from a wipe
pattern generator or from a selected mask signal (typically a key fill signal
delivered via the Utility bus).
The keyer delegation (Key1 – Key6) is made at the top left of the screen. Once
a keyer has been delegated, choose the type of mask (Force or Inhibit, or
both) from the data pad in the lower right corner. The example shown here
is for a Wipe Force Mask on Key 1.
Figure 368. Key Mask
In v692, the Mask Preview button has been removed.