Workplace and driver configuration – Grass Valley Kayenne XL Package v.7.0.4 User Manual
Page 336

Kayenne XL Package — User Manual
Section 4 — Sidepanel Menu Summaries
Workplace and Driver Configuration
Multiple workplace and driver configuration is a Kayenne XL panel feature
only. Kayak control panels only support one single connection to a Kayak HD
mainframe at a time!
The Kayenne XL Control Panel supports multiple workplaces where each
workplace is an assembly of one or more panel module stripes. Since the
Panel Control Unit supports up to 8 physical ports where these stripes can
be connected to, a maximum of 8 independent workplaces are imaginable.
Building multiple workplaces on one PCU gives the advantage to operate
one or more Kayak HD frames from one or more operating desks in par-
allel. The workplace and driver configuration menu is used to configure
this operational environment. Once the workplaces are configured, they
behave like independent and highly flexible operating interfaces.
To understand the Kayenne XL workplace concept you have to deal with
the following configuration architecture:
On one Panel Control Unit (PCU) you can build multiple workplaces and
each workplace can have multiple device drivers (MFD) each with an indi-
vidual connection to a Kayak HD mainframe.
These are the features that come with these three building blocks:
PCU Features:
Button color palette with 5 user configurative colors
Workplace Features:
Operate one or more Kayak HD mainframes in parallel
Operate Grass Valley Cameras
Panel Makros
The Makros of a Workplace by default learn commands across all device
drivers of the workplace (multiple Kayak HD mainframes, cameras)
Panel Memory
Device Driver Features:
Kayak HD input source button assignment
Color Assignment
Attachment to a dedicated Sidepanel GUI
Load & Save Data specific to of device drivers and workplaces (Source
button assignment, color assignment, Makros, Panel Memory.)