Grass Valley Kayenne XL Package v.7.0.4 User Manual
Page 393

Kayenne XL Package — User Manual
Config Menu
In DSK mode, the button works only in panel M/Es that are dele-
gated to the M/E that the Half M/E is coupled to. In this case, the
panel M/E is also delegated to the Half M/E, but the background
buses of the crossbar still control the full M/E, because the back-
ground buses of the Half M/E are fix set to the outputs of the
coupled full M/E.
Half M/E Keyers coupled to: Delegates the keyer to M/E1, M/E2, M/E3 or
Kayak MultiMix enable: The parameter can be used to set the Kayak Mul-
tiMix mode. If the parameter is switched to On, the MultiMix button in
the M/E Main menu is visible, and the MultiMix mode can be used.
H/V Blanking: The parameter can be used to switch over between trans-
parent and blanked. In blanked position the horizontal and the vertical
blank intervals are replaced by BLACK, and the DD35-internal sync
frame is added. In transparent position the information contained in
the vertical blanking interval (VITS, videotext, etc.) are kept. This func-
tion can be selected for each output and AUX buses separately.