Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 95

Chapter 3
Setting Up Soundtrack Pro
For projects set to Beats-based format, the available Snap To values are:
 Ruler ticks
 1/4 notes
 1/8 notes
 1/16 notes
 1/32 notes
 1/64 notes
 Clips on Adjacent Tracks
To turn snapping on:
Choose View > Snap (or press G).
A checkmark next to the menu item indicates that snapping is turned on. Choose
View > Snap again to turn snapping off.
To set the Snap To value:
Choose View > Snap To, then choose a value from the submenu.
You can temporarily reverse the current snapping state while you work in the Timeline.
When snapping is turned on and Markers is chosen in the Snap To submenu, clips in
the Timeline snap to the playhead as well as to markers.
To temporarily reverse the snapping state:
Select the item in the Timeline, then hold down the Command key as you drag the item.
If snapping is turned on, Command-dragging lets you move the item without having it
snap to the nearest Snap To position. If snapping is turned off, the item snaps to the
nearest Snap To position. When you release the Command key, items moved in the
Timeline follow the normal snapping state.