Mixer – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual
Page 44
Chapter 2
The Soundtrack Pro Interface
 Transport controls: Control playback and the position of the playhead, and turn
recording on or off. (For more information, see “
 Playhead: Shows the part of the audio file currently playing.
 Monitor Volume slider: Adjusts the overall monitor volume when you play the project.
The volume level defaults to 0 dB when you create a project. Adjusting the monitor
volume slider does not affect the mix signal or the export volume.
 Mono Mix button: Click to listen to a temporary mono mix of the project.
 Playhead Location value slider: Displays the current playhead position. You can move
the playhead by clicking the arrows, dragging, or typing a value.
 Actions tab: Displays the currently applied actions.
You mix your project in the Mixer. All tracks, busses, and submixes (as well as the
Master bus) have channel strips in the Mixer with volume controls, mute and solo
buttons, slots for adding effects, and other controls. You can view the levels for tracks,
busses, submixes, and the Master bus using level meters in their channel strips. You can
also record audio and automate volume and pan changes in the Mixer.
 Automation Mode pop-up menu: Choose the automation mode from the pop-up menu.
 Channel Strip and Mixer pop-up menus: Show or hide different sections of the channel
strips and of the Mixer window.
 Channel strips: Each track, bus, and submix has a channel strip with controls and
level meters.
Channel strips
Channel Strip and Mixer
pop-up menus
Automation Mode
pop-up menu