Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 522

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Appendix F

Using Apple Loops Utility

Search Tags
These tags are used by the Search feature in Soundtrack Pro when you search for files
matching specific criteria.

 Collection: Displays the name of the collection the file is affiliated with, if one exists.

You can enter new data by typing in the field.

 Theme: Displays the name of the theme the file is affiliated with, if one exists. You

can enter new data by typing in the field.

 Genre pop-up menu: Displays choices for the musical genre of the file.
 Instrumentation list: Displays choices for the musical instrument or instrument

category recorded in the file. Selecting an instrument category in the left column
displays the list of instruments in that category in the right column.

File Info
This area of the Tags tab includes rows with Kind, Length, Date Modified, Sample Rate,
Channels, Tempo, and File Location information. This information is for viewing only,
and cannot be edited in the Tags tab.

Descriptors are complementary pairs of keywords describing the mood or character of
the music recorded in the file. Each pair of keywords has a row of buttons, allowing you
to choose either one keyword from the pair, or neither keyword.