Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 555

background image



project view 241
reopening projects 97
Soundtrack Pro mixes in Final Cut Pro 431

Original button 445
out-of-phase material 339
out-of-phase sounds 464
outline views 61
output devices

about 24
video 318–319

Output pop-up menu 41, 46, 265, 279
output ports 487
Output synchronization settings 101
outputs. See physical outputs, submixes
Overlap mode 108, 162
Overlap Mode pop-up menu 99
overlapping audio clips 162
overloaded signals 237
overtones 465, 466


packages 66, 421
PAL format 79, 315, 484
pan envelopes 145
pan position 142, 278–279
pan slider 142
panning controls

automating surround sound 303
channel strips 278–279
in headers 41
level meters and 304
mini surround panner 299
pan position 142, 278–279
sends and 351
Surround Panner HUD 300
surround sound and 45, 142, 278, 295

parallel editing 440
Parameter list 63, 236
parametric EQs 336
passive speakers 497
paste edits 219
Paste Mix command 206
Paste Repeat command 207
pasting items

audio clips 151–152
audio in File Editor 206
envelope points 362
filtered results in frequency ranges 219
frequency ranges and 219
Timeslices 177

Path pop-up menu 51, 54
paths to items in Bin 90
PCI audio interface cards 489, 490
PCI video interface cards 31, 478, 479
PCM format 67, 193

PDF files 384
peak indicators 45, 50, 283, 289–290
peak information 340
peak limiters 333
Peak Mixing Level setting 408
peaks 207–208, 221, 236, 332, 523
Peaks Value and Location display 49, 289
performance 516
Peripheral Connect Interface. See PCI
phantom centers 304, 310
phantom power supply 513

balanced audio signals and 495
correlation meter display 339
inverting 221, 513
phase cancellation 494
phase issues 236, 237
phase shifters 336

phase, sound waves and 464
phase cancellation 464
phone plug connectors 491
physical output channels 41, 125, 279, 296
physical outputs

connecting 297
in mixing process 263
multitrack projects 125
surround sound 296

PICT files 384
pink noise 222, 341
pitch 465, 466
Play button 71, 77, 92, 220, 371, 372, 373
Play From Beginning button 38, 77
Play/Pause button 38
playback 71–78

audio files in File Editor 198, 199
changing mode 188
controlling 38, 55, 71–74, 134–135
cycling 134–135
keyboard shortcuts 78, 130, 317, 451
looping 134–135, 188
MPEG-2 79, 315
non-looping 188
playback modes 188
playback region 134–135
playing files without actions 234
position 77, 451
soloing audio files 199
starting 71
stereo 312
transport controls 77–78
video 317–319


described 44
during recording 374
keyboard shortcuts 131, 451
location value slider 74