Podcast marker information in the details tab – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 380

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Chapter 14

Creating Podcasts in Soundtrack Pro

To view or enter information for a podcast marker:


Select a podcast marker region in the podcast track.


Enter or view the information in the Details tab.

Podcast Marker Information in the Details Tab

Use the Details tab to enter and display podcast marker information and attributes. The
Details tab sets properties for the podcast marker region (e.g. what image will be shown
until the next marker in an enhanced podcast) and optionally sets a chapter marker.

 Name field: Enter a name for the marker.
 Measure In pop-up menu: Sets the units shown in the Position value slider.
 Marks a chapter checkbox: Identifies a region as a podcast chapter.
 Position value slider: Sets and displays the time position of the selected marker.
 URL: Enter a web link for the marker.
 URL Title: Enter a name for the website listed in the URL field.
 Image Source pop-up menu: Sets the displayed image for the marker.

Note: The image can be a still image added to the project or a frame from a video
clip, if there is a video track for the project.

Select the podcast
marker region.

Name field

Measure In pop-up menu

Marks a chapter checkbox

Position value slider

URL field

URL Title field

Image Source pop-up
