Moving envelope points – Apple Soundtrack Pro 2 User Manual

Page 358

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Chapter 12

Working with Automation

To select multiple envelope points, do one of the following:


Drag from an area in the automation row before the first envelope point you want to
select to an area after the last envelope point you want to select.


If the envelope points are adjacent, Shift-click the first envelope point, then the last
envelope point you want to select. All envelope points in between are also selected.


Command-click each envelope point you want to select. You can select adjacent or
nonadjacent envelope points by Command-clicking.

To deselect a selected envelope point, do one of the following:


Command-click the selected envelope point.


Click in the automation row or somewhere else in the Timeline to deselect all selected
envelope points.

Moving Envelope Points

Once you add an envelope point, you can drag it up or down to change its value. As
you drag an envelope point up or down, its value appears to the right of the pointer.
You can drag an envelope point left or right to change its position in time. You can also
select and move multiple envelope points at the same time.

When you move an envelope point, the position of the envelope point snaps to the
closest Snap To position if snapping is turned on. For information on setting the Snap
To value, see “

Using Snapping

” on page 94.

To move an envelope point:


Select the envelope point, then drag it to a new position.

Each envelope has an envelope point, at the beginning of the Timeline. You can make
adjustments by moving this envelope point up or down. If no envelope points have
been added, dragging the envelope’s handle adjusts the envelope for the entire project.

If you add more than one envelope point to an envelope, you can move envelope
points using the corresponding slider. When you move the slider, the envelope points
closest to the playhead (the closest before and the closest after) move by the same
amount as the slider.

Drag in the envelope’s
row to select multiple
envelope points.